On 12:55 PM by Unknown in    No comments

How can you add run command on your start properties? 

 Some time we have a problem to use run. This problem shows on window 7. Because it will be deepen on you. Are you wanted to add run comment on your window 7 start properties? Run is really good command on operating system. This is just easily use for everyone. Microsoft Corporation add run option there all operating system. How can you open run on shortcut? Press on Ctrl+r, and you see run command say something,
 “Type the name of a program, folder, document, or internet resource, and windows will open it for you.”
So that’s why it’s really helpful.
At first Open your computer window 7 operating system desktop, now click on the start icon you can also press on your keyboard on start button. When it will be open you see no run option on there so click the mouse right option on their blank site. Then one option will be showing, and that is “properties”. So open it and click customize option on start menu. There were many option to select, now Select run commend.
Now click ok/ apply
Then it will be show on your computer window7 operating system start menu. You can also add another command on the start menu like this way.


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